CD Title: Architecture in Motion



Released in: 1998 Miramar Recordings



Number of Songs: 8



My personal rating: 89





Once again, Tangerine Dream does the score to one of Miramar Recording’s video. This is the offical score for the video “What a Blast: Architecture in Motion”. This video presented quite a challenge to Tangerine Dream since the subject matter, the awesome power required to blow up an entire building in seconds, was not the easiest subject matter to create a set of songs for but Tangerine Dream was up to the task and thus, this enjoyable CD was released.


This was the fourth video for Miramar Recordings (The previous ones being Canyon Dreams, 220 Volt Live and Oasis) and once again, another excellent job by Tangerine Dream. By the way, Tadream received several grammy nominations for the first Three Miramar recordings so this CD probably did as well.


The songs on the CD are:


Track 1        Silver Screen


Track 2        Beauty of the Blast


Track 3        Dream Sculpture


Track 4        Last Trumpet on 23rd Street


Track 5        Art of Destruction


Track 6        Forced to Surrender


Track 7        Timesquare


Track 8        Jungle Journey