Title: Mars Polaris
Released by : TDI Music
Distributed by : TDI Music
Number of Songs: 10
My personal rating: 89
This CD is very interesting in that in a lot of different
ways Tangerine Dream has come full circle. Tangerine Dream’s music has
changed over the few years and the first few years of the band’s existance,
they used to create music that was referred to by some people as “Space
music”. Basically the music created an image in which you would image a
traveller going through space to reach earth.
This CD is not quite like that music but it has a similar
motif. The CD contains several pictures of the Martian landscape as taken
by the Mars Polar Lander and contains several facts regarding both Mars
and the Polar Lander. The music itself is very well done.
The songs on the CD are:
Track 1 Comet’s Figure Head
Track 2 Rim of Schiaparelli
Track 3 Pilots of the Ether Belt
Track 4 Deep Space Cruiser
Track 5 Outland (The Colony)
Track 6 Spiral Star Date (Level B)
Track 7 Mars Mission Counter
Track 8 Astrophobia
Track 9 Tharsis Manuever
Track 10 Dies Martis (TransMercury)