CD Title: Turn of the Tides



Released in: 1994 Miramar Recordings



Distributed by: Tadream Music International



Number of Songs: 8


My personal rating: 87


This CD is one of the more interesting CDs in my collection. The music itself is a bit of a mix where you have some soothing music followed by a song with a beat.


The jacket for the CD tells you a story, which is part of an excerpt from “The Coachman’s tales” which was written by Edgar Froese. Reading the story helps with the interpretation of the music and adds to the sense of wonder that you get when listening to the music.


The songs on this CD are:


Track 1  Pictures at an Exhibition


Track 2  Firetongues


Track 3  Galley Slave’s Horizon


Track 4  Death of a Nightingale


Track 5  Twilight Brigade


Track 6  Jungle Journey


Track 7  Midwinter Night


Track 8  Turn of the Tides