CD Title: Tyranny of Beauty



Released in: 1995 TDI Music



Distribution: TDI Music



Number of Songs: 9



My personal rating: 92



The album title tells you the kind of music that you have come to expect from Tangerine Dream. This CD is among my all time favorites. This particular CD was released by TDI Music but I remember receiving a different copy that I ordered but I lost it when I lent it out to someone and they did not return it so I had to repurchase it.


This is one CD that I recommend to add to your list of CDs to get from Tangerine Dream. The label for this CD comes with another excerpt from the Coachman’s Tales written by Edgar Froese.


The songs on the CD are:


Track 1  Catwalk


Track 2  Birdwatcher’s Dream


Track 3  Little Blond in the Park of Attractions


Track 4  Living in a Fountain Pen


Track 5  Stratosfear ‘95


Track 6  Bride in Cold Tears


Track 7  Haze of Fame


Track 8  Tyranny of Beauty


Track 9  Largo (From Xerxes)