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The following set of pictures where taken on October 6, 2001 which was when the US Chess Hall of Fame opened its doors to the general public for the first time. There will be a much more formal Grand Opening planned for sometime in December. I hope to attend at the formal grand opening so that I can take pictures of the live chess match with people dressed up as the chess pieces.

For the pictures on this page, I took the pictures with my digital camera, a Kodak DC3400 with 32 MB of RAM. I suggest that if someone does decide to take their camera to take photos to remember to take the flash off since it was reflected a few times in some of the images and ruined some others pictures that might have been on this page.

After bringing the digital camera home, I then used Adobe Photo Deluxe to obtain the pictures from the digital camera and put them onto the computer. The images were purposefully lowered in quality in order to keep most images under 100K. I will be doing some more editing of these pages in the next few days to add more specific page titles and text when the opportunity permits.

Enjoy the pictures. By the way, the gentleman with the baseball hat with me in some of the pictures is my friend Chris Stormont. Chris runs a club for children that meets in the public libraries on Saturday. If you want to find out more, please visit his web page at:

Thanks for taking the time to visit my page and let me know what you think of the photos. I can be reached via email at


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